
Property in the Philippines is seen by most as the main growth area. Property prices saw a 10% annual increase across the whole of the Philippines in 2015 according to the Central Bank’s statistics. In certain areas, for example parts of Makati, growth as high as 25% per annum was recorded. Economists see the growth continuing well into the next decade and with the current President supporting foreign investment in the Philippines, the property market is likely to lead the way.

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We specialise in the following:-

We know that investing overseas sometimes seems like a step into the dark – we have had thousands of clients over the years in the same situation. It is our job to light the way and to ensure you fully understand the processes, are comfortable with your investment and achieve your desired results. Please do have a look at the links about ownership, costs and taxes and the legal system which give you some insight into the procedures. Further information and advice is of course provided when we meet you and throughout your purchase.

Please have a look at our projects page to see our current portfolio.

We have links with the Philippines’ largest developers and some of their best real estate agents. If you can’t see what you are looking for let us know, are confident that we will be able to source a property that is right for you.

Where we are
  • London
    2nd Floor, Northern and Shell Tower,
    4 Selsdon Way, London. E14 9GL
    Tel: +44 (0) 203 2908870
  • Shanghai
    25/F Wheelock Square 1717 Nanjing
    West Road Jing An District, Shanghai
    Tel: +86 (21) 6157 5379
  • Manila
    Suite 22C, Level 22,Ayala Tower One,
    Exchange Plaza,6767 Ayala Avenue,Makati City
    Tel: + +63(0) 2368 5746
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