Retiring To Paradise

retiring-to-paradise2retiring-to-paradise1Ready to retire in paradise?
The good news is that the Philippines will welcome you with open arms. The government even has a special section of the tourism department to help you get settled as a retiree, the Philippine Retirement Authority, which provides assistance throughout your stay in the Philippines.

Cost of Living

In terms of cost of living there are few places better. With very little food having to be imported, the average grocery bill in the Philippines will come in at less than US $50 per month, a meal out at a decent restaurant will give you change from US $4 and a beer will cost as little as 50c.

Getting a Visa

Once you have committed to retiring in the Philippines, the first thing to do is apply for a Special Resident Retiree’s Visa (SRRV). As long as you are 50 years or older, the visa requires you to deposit into a bank in the Philippines either US $10,000 if you have a pension – or US $20,000 if you don’t have a pension. This deposit covers the retiree and two dependents.

The initial application fee is a one off payment of US $1,400 for the principal and US $300 for each additional person, including spouse and dependents. After the first year the annual fee to renew the visa will be US$360 and will include the principal, spouse and one dependent.

retiring-to-paradise3retiring-to-paradise5Retiring to the Philippines is possible for anyone over the age of 35 but the requirements are slightly different.

At Investing in the Philippines we can assist in organising visas as part of the Platinum Package.

Health Care

Have you ever been to a hospital and not met a Filipino doctor or nurse? It’s unlikely, as the country is world renowned for its medical staff. The health care service is well established in the Philippines and is based on an insurance backed system.

Many of the world’s largest insurers operate in the Philippines health care market and policies vary in coverage and price.

At investing in the Philippines we have links with these insurers and can arrange meetings with them as part of the Platinum package.

Where we are
  • London
    2nd Floor, Northern and Shell Tower,
    4 Selsdon Way, London. E14 9GL
    Tel: +44 (0) 203 2908870
  • Shanghai
    25/F Wheelock Square 1717 Nanjing
    West Road Jing An District, Shanghai
    Tel: +86 (21) 6157 5379
  • Manila
    Suite 22C, Level 22,Ayala Tower One,
    Exchange Plaza,6767 Ayala Avenue,Makati City
    Tel: + +63(0) 2368 5746
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