The Legal System

legal-systemProperty transactions in the Philippines tend to be undertaken without the need for lawyers but by the real estate agents.

However, at Investing in the Philippines you have the protection not only of our specialist lawyers in the Philippines but of lawyers in the UK checking their work and ensuring that your money is not at risk at any stage during the transaction.

Our lawyers, acting on your behalf, have decades of experience of acting for clients purchasing in overseas jurisdictions. You could not be in better hands.

In conjunction with our lawyers, we will deal with the legal work, from carrying out the due diligence in the buying process, to reporting to you on the title, explaining the ownership provisions so that you are fully comfortable with the same and finally the registration and storage of deeds with our lawyers on your behalf to ensure that your investment is 100% safe.

The Philippines has one of the oldest centralised Land Registries in the world. All purchases (apart from condominium units which are dealt with slightly differently) are registered with the Land Registry and deeds are issued in English. The original deeds are subsequently required should the property need to be sold. We can ensure that your deeds documents of title (for land and condominiums) are held to your order with your lawyers for additional security for you at no additional cost to you.

If you have any queries about the process do get in touch, we will be happy to assist in resolving any questions or allaying any fears that you have.

Where we are
  • London
    2nd Floor, Northern and Shell Tower,
    4 Selsdon Way, London. E14 9GL
    Tel: +44 (0) 203 2908870
  • Shanghai
    25/F Wheelock Square 1717 Nanjing
    West Road Jing An District, Shanghai
    Tel: +86 (21) 6157 5379
  • Manila
    Suite 22C, Level 22,Ayala Tower One,
    Exchange Plaza,6767 Ayala Avenue,Makati City
    Tel: + +63(0) 2368 5746
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    UK Registered Company 10311707
    All Rights Reserved.
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