Shares, Bonds and Currency

shares-bonds-currency2At Investing in the Philippines our main focus is on property.

But we also offer our clients the all-round service that many other don’t.

That’s why we have ties with brokers and banks in the Philippines who will be happy to assist you in any transaction in these fields. We also have close links with FOREX brokers who can assist in transfers of funds from all around the world whether it be for a property purchase or a securities investment.

Where we are
  • London
    2nd Floor, Northern and Shell Tower,
    4 Selsdon Way, London. E14 9GL
    Tel: +44 (0) 203 2908870
  • Shanghai
    25/F Wheelock Square 1717 Nanjing
    West Road Jing An District, Shanghai
    Tel: +86 (21) 6157 5379
  • Manila
    Suite 22C, Level 22,Ayala Tower One,
    Exchange Plaza,6767 Ayala Avenue,Makati City
    Tel: + +63(0) 2368 5746
  • Copyright © 2016 Investing in the Philippines Limited
    UK Registered Company 10311707
    All Rights Reserved.
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